Undetectable firearms manufacture, transportation, sale, possession, and carrying prohibited, plans for manufacture provision; possession of frame or receiver of a firearm without a serial number prohibited; JRCCP may report -
SB636Annual fishing license fee for resident senior citizens eliminated -
AB1225Annual fishing license for resident or nonresident child with a disability: no fee charged, certificate of disability provision -
AB1091Fish taken by hook and line: revision to transportation of -
AB430Fish taken by hook and line: revision to transportation of [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, cellular telephone access provision added] -
SB411Free fishing weekend in January: designation modified -
AB35Free fishing weekend in January: designation modified -
SB34Hunting and fishing approvals: certain nonresident fees increased; conservation fund provision [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 144, 217-231, 9232 (1)] -
SB70Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes -
AB1036Hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals: nonresident approval fee changes -
SB993Importance of sturgeon to Wisconsin recognized; State Sturgeon Spearing Day designated the second Saturday of February in 2024 -
AJR106Importance of sturgeon to Wisconsin recognized; State Sturgeon Spearing Day designated the second Saturday of February in 2024 -
SJR101Inland waters trout stamp fee increased [Sec. 633, 9432 (5)] -
AB43Inland waters trout stamp fee increased [Sec. 633, 9432 (5)] [original bill only] -
SB70Les Voigt State Fish Hatchery and Brule State Fish Hatchery funding [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 194] -
SB70Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created -
AB72Lifetime fishing license to residents established; lifetime fishing trust fund created -
SB68Veteran disability rating changed re certain hunting and fishing authorizations and exemptions from state park and trails fees -
AB71Veteran disability rating changed re certain hunting and fishing authorizations and exemptions from state park and trails fees -
SB44ATV and UTV law enforcement positions; DNR report required [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9132 (1)] -
SB70Fish taken by hook and line: revision to transportation of [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, cellular telephone access provision added] -
SB411Municipal flood control aid grants created [Sec. 371, 9132 (9)] -
AB43Municipal flood control aid grants created [Sec. 371, 9132 (9)] [original bill only] -
SB70Municipal flood control and riparian restoration program: cost-sharing grant eligibility modified [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 451] -
SB70Pre-disaster flood resilience grant program for local governmental units created; DEM to administer -
AB222Pre-disaster flood resilience grant program for local governmental units created; DEM to administer -
SB222Pre-disaster flood resilience grants from DEM [S.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 130] -
SB70Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 548] -
AB43Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 548; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, appropriation created, Sec. 82] -
SB70UW System branch campus redevelopment grants from WEDC to political subdivisions; Richland County provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, adds Fond du Lac, Washington, and Marinette counties] -
SB518Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate -
AB290Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate -
SB282Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process -
AB851Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process -
SB814Family Meals Month: September 2023 recognized as -
AJR70Family Meals Month: September 2023 recognized as -
SJR67Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs -
AB755Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs -
SB712Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided -
AB288Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided -
SB315Food product licensing requirements: exemption revisions re sale of pickled fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and nonpotentially hazardous food -
AB897Food product licensing requirements: exemption revisions re sale of pickled fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and nonpotentially hazardous food -
SB813Food products containing cultured animal cells or tissues: sale of without proper label prohibited; penalties and emergency rule provisions -
AB555Food products containing cultured animal cells or tissues: sale of without proper label prohibited; penalties and emergency rule provisions -
SB544Food security grant program created in DATCP re food assistance from nonprofit food banks and food pantries -
AB756Food security grant program created in DATCP re food assistance from nonprofit food banks and food pantries -
SB713Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 258, 1723] -
AB43Food waste reduction pilot project grants created -
SB721Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 258, 1723] [original bill only] -
SB70Grocery and Retail Food Employees: appreciation and respect for proclaimed -
AR6Healthy food incentive program for FoodShare recipients: DHS to contract with nonprofit organizations to administer -
AB1013Healthy food incentive program for FoodShare recipients: DHS to contract with nonprofit organizations to administer -
SB948Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated -
AB393Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated -
SB445Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision -
AB952Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision -
SB886Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions -
AB348Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions -
SB342Locally sourced food incentive payments to school food authority created [Sec. 313, 2042] -
AB43Locally sourced food incentive payments to school food authority created [Sec. 313, 2042] [original bill only] -
SB70Maple syrup served in a public eating place requirement -
AB602Maple syrup served in a public eating place requirement -
SB567Third-party food delivery services requirements established -
AB294Third-party food delivery services requirements established -
SB290Tribal elder community food box program; funding from tribal gaming receipts [Sec. 265, 515, 1721] -
AB43Tribal elder community food box program; funding from tribal gaming receipts [Sec. 265, 515, 1721; S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 53, 145, 385] -
SB70Wisconsin agricultural autonomy and food security supported -
AJR98Wisconsin agricultural autonomy and food security supported -
SJR91Able-bodied adults with dependents seeking FoodShare benefits not required to participate in FSET [Sec. 1131] -
AB43Able-bodied adults with dependents seeking FoodShare benefits not required to participate in FSET [Sec. 1131] [original bill only] -
SB70EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services: DHS to provide to farmers' markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers [Sec. 1130] -
AB43EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services: DHS to provide to farmers' markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers; FTE position provision -
AB750EBT and credit and debit card processing equipment and services: DHS to provide to farmers' markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers [Sec. 1130] [original bill only] -